
To create successful surveys, you need not only good questions but also an attractive design to engage your respondents and encourage them to answer all the questions. You can customize the design—such as colors, images, and fonts—of your survey from

You can preview your changes on different devices (mobile, tablet, or desktop) by switching views in the top-right corner of the builder.

Fonts, Colors, Logo, and Background Image

You can add visual elements to your survey, such as fonts (supported by Google), colors, and images, by using the URL of a webpage. Enter or paste the webpage URL into the Design Bot field.

The tool will extract available fonts, colors, and images from the webpage. Successfully retrieved elements are indicated with green notification icons.


Choose the font you want for your survey. If you imported fonts from a webpage, the retrieved fonts will appear at the top of the list.

Note: Fonts not supported by Google are marked with a ! icon. To use these fonts, you must manually upload them via a cloud service. For more information, contact


You can define colors for five different sections of the survey.

Color Selection:

•Set a color manually using the color picker or by entering a color code (HEX, RGB, HSL).

•Choose a color from those imported from the webpage.


Add a logo or another image to the survey’s side panel as follows:

1.Click Click to add logo.

2.Upload an image file from your computer in the pop-up window (+ icon).

Tip: Remove the selected logo or background image by clicking the trash icon.

Background Image

Add or change the background image for your survey as follows:

1.Hover over the preview image and select a new image:

Search tab: Search for an image online.

Upload tab: Upload an image from your device.

Web tab: Choose an image imported from the webpage.

2.Adjust the layout and position of the background image using the buttons in the top-right corner of the preview.

3.Use the sliders to adjust the image’s color tone and blur level.